Deleting Your Account

If you'd like to delete your account, you don't need to email our support team. You can do it yourself using 

How To Delete Your Account

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Click 'My Profile' on the top right of the page.
  3. Scroll down until you see 'Settings' on the left side of the page. Click 'Settings'.
  4. Beneath the 'Save Changes' button you'll see 'Change Password', 'Update Newsletter and Mailing Preferences' and 'Delete Account'. Click 'Delete Account'. 
  5. On the confirmation page we'll ask you to let us know why you're deleting your account. 
  6. To completely delete your account click the 'Delete My Account' button. Reminder: This is permanent. Deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.

Once your account has been successfully deleted your data will be completely removed from the Distiller system. You will no longer receive emails from us and we will no longer have record of your email address, account name, Tastes, comments, likes, lists, or any other activity from within the platform.  

Again, this action is non-reversible. Once you delete your account Distiller cannot retrieve it. 

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